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The Ol’ Switcheroo

Well, I guess Twitch and Pixie decided to switch places! xP Pixie is progressing amazingly with the hand-taming since my husband started working with her, but Twitch now bites more than ever! My husband has been taming hamsters since he was VERY young, and he said that as far as he can remember, Twitch is the hardest one he’s EVER had to tame. He thinks that something must have happened to her before we got her, someone dropped her, squeezed too hard or something. I personally think that she’s just got worse eyesight than other hamsters, because she hardly EVER has her eyes completely open, and when she bites him it seems to be more out of fear than aggression (except when he’s not holding her and she’s in the cage, she’ll run up to his hand and bite him – so, it’s kind of a toss up.) And we’re also starting to worry about how much she drinks….we have an 8oz. bottle and it barely takes her two days to drink ALL OF IT! Pixie barely drinks 1/4 of her 4oz. bottle in twice that time! Not only that, but she bites the end instead of licking it, which is EXTREMELY annoying. I don’t know if that has to do with her eyesight being bad or what, but neither Tweak nor Pixie does that.

Pixie is getting to be a lot calmer since I figured out the trick to handling her…moving VERY slowly. Like, moving a half an inch every couple of seconds. If you move any faster than that, she seems to get anxious and just runs away from your hand. We tried laying our hand (still) in the bottom of the cage, but she won’t pay any attention to it unless you start inching it towards her a little, then she’ll get curious and come up for a sniff and maybe a curious nibble. She’s only nibbled two, maybe three times, since we’ve had her. She is DEFINITELY a great starter hamster for someone like me who’s not only never tamed a hamster, but is also terrified of handling them too roughly.

Tweak is an absolute DELIGHT. She barely even nibbles anymore and she LOVES to come out of her cage and run around all over my husband. :) It’s adorable. Especially when he goes to put her back in, she’ll turn right around and try to climb back out to him. :) Tweak has definitely proven herself as the Alpha, even though she doesn’t seem to particularly like her sister. She’s hardly ever on the same “floor” as her, and when she is, wants nothing to do with her. Probably because, out of no where, Twitch will walk up to her and start a little tiff, just to roll on her back and squeak like she’s apologizing. So, Tweak spends most of her time up on the third “floor,” sleeping and chewing on her salt lick, which kind of makes me feel like she’s being forced up there and that really isn’t fair to her. :( I’m not sure what to do, and I think my husband is getting to be the same way. We may just end up having to seperate them just so Tweak can live normally.

<33 Zee

p.s. More updates soon, I seem to finally be recovering, so I won’t be stuck in the bed all day. :)

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Losing Speed

They’re all still doing very well! Twitch and Tweak and doing wonderfully with the hand-taming, and hardly bite my husband at all anymore! xP They are very curious about him and come up to him more easily now, which makes the taming A LOT easier. They still seem to be squabbling over who’s going to be Alpha, with no clear winner in sight – they’re pretty evenly matched even though Twitch is a bit bigger.

I’m not having nearly as much luck with Pixie. She seems to be more afraid of me than ever! Last week, I could hold her and she would walk from hand to hand, this week, she’ll suicide-jump to the bottom of the cage! I haven’t held her since the second time – I’m too afraid she’ll hurt herself. Since my husband has had a lot more experince with hamsters, I asked him to help me with the hand-taming, so hopefully he’ll have a little more luck than I’ve been having.

While we were playing with Twitch and Tweak the other day, I whipped out the camera and got some adorable pictures. (I did have to Photoshop a few to make them a little clearer.) Enjoy! :)

<33 Zee

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Acclimating nicely. :)

Pixie, Tweak and Twitch are doing great! They seem healthy, happy and enjoying their new homes. :)

Pixie is as adorable as ever. <3 She’s still really skittish of petting, but she’s pretty calm when I scoop her into my hand with her flying saucer. xP God, she loves that thing, she’ll run on it for HOURS. Anywho, I’ve been holding her at least once a day and trying to get her used to the petting with treats – I found out papaya is her favorite. :) She’s getting used to my hand being in the cage though – she used to run from it no matter what, but now she really only gets scared when I actually touch her. She seems to really like her cage though, she sleeps in her igloo, LOVES that saucer – but, she doesn’t seem to like some of the treats and chews we give her. She likes her food and the honey/seed sticks, but I haven’t even seen her go near the flavored wood or salt wheel. I’ve even tried different flavors, but she just doesn’t seem interested.

Tweak and Twitch are doing wonderfully too. :) They have their little sisterly squabbles (which, is adorable, because they squeak at each other,) but I have yet to see a serious fight or a wound. They’re finally going through the tubes and eating everything in sight. There are definitely no problems with them liking the treats and chews we get for them. We’ve only had them a little over a week and we’ve already had to buy more! (and we bought quite a lot of them when we got them!) xP The first few days, they were pretty aggressive, but since my husband’s been working with them, they’re starting to calm down. He can pet them for a minute or two, hold them, and they’ll crawl into his hand on their own now. Twitch is a little slower on the uptake (with the taming and the tubes,) but she’s getting there. After she sees Tweak do it once or twice, she understands.

So, all is well with the hamsters! I should be updating again soon – I apologize about taking so long with this first post, I’ve been pretty ill the last few weeks.

<33 Zee

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Welcome to my blog! I’ll be posting some information about dwarf hamsters, but I’ll also be updating you on my hamster’s lives. :) I would love to have a couple more writers with several hamsters of their own, experienced or virgins! So, if you’re interested, send me an email at (Requirements: camera, at least two hamsters, and able to post at least once per week.)

I am a virgin when it comes to hamsters, but I have owned three gerbils in the past. So, you guys will get to experience my first hamsters with me! :) Check out the Hamster Profiles for more information on each one, and subcribe to get updated photos!

<3 Zee

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